Show : Humans in circus
Circus show directed by Marie-André Robitaille of Gynoïde for the creation workshop: Circus Sessions organised by Holly Treddenick of the circus company Femme du Feu.
Coordinator: Holly Treddenick
Photographers: Dan Huziak, Chris Robart, & snapD Queen
Artists: Jennifer Dallas, Giselle Mar, Anne Catherine Weshinskey, Tina Carter, Ida Cramer, Whitney Nicole, Andrei Anissimow, Maggie B. Karlin, Noémie Beauchamp, Kate Kavanagh. Erin Ball, Natayu Mildenberger, Rebecca Anne Zelewicz, Miranda Tempest, Myriam Bloom, Sarah Muehlbauer, Alex Bulmer & Aude.
Location: Harbourfront Centre. Toronto